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Drow Origins

Drow Creation:Heirarchy

All Drow have a specific rank which is a measure of their abilities and station within the group. Increases in rank are granted by meeting a number of criteria including:
(1) Length of service (LOS) This is the actual amount of time that the player has been involved with the group.
(2) Total number of skill points they have expended on their Class and natural skills.
(3) The average skill score of their class specific skills.
(4) Completion of a specific quest related to their advancement in rank. One large assumption that is made in addition is that all the members of Drow are here because they have an interest in roleplaying and this reflects in their characters actions. When a member believes that they are eligible for an advancement in rank they must first notify their leader or subleader for an evaluation. In turn if the leader or sub leader believes that the character is eligible for advancement that Drow must present the reasons for advancement to the remaining leaders and sub leaders who will in turn vote. If the Drow seeking advancement secures a majority vote of approval then they will be sent on the appropriate quest and pending that completion they will be granted an increase in rank. Each of the ranks and their attached titles are explained in detail below.
New Members (1) these are new members to the guild who are still developing their skills and getting acclimatized to the group. At this stage the expectations of these Drow members are at their lowest and an effort is made to mentor them and assist them in developing their skills and abilities. New members are restricted from wearing black chainmail during this initial time period. They are still expected to utilize standard Drow equipment. Upon advancement to rank two they will be granted access to black chainmail.
Ranked Member (2) these are members who have completed advancement from the initial Wanre stage and have now become full members. The expectation level increases and Drow in this group are expected to assist in the training of new members and be fully called upon to defend the lair and the surrounding areas. All members that reach this stage must be red.
Senior Member (3) also known as Veteran member are those members that have continued to show advancement in skill and ingame participation. This is the highest rank that a non leadership member may attain. Senior members are expected to act as mentors to new members when needed. They should also be available to assist other members ingame should the need arise.
Sub Leader (4) are those members that serve as assistants to the leaders. The Drow reaching this level must demonstrate a high degree of ingame commitment to both the concepts of the The True Drow role playing group and their actual ingame time. Leaders and sub leaders must be there to assist other members and actually lead as needed. In the case that a leader is not available they will assume the leadership of the current members ingame at that time.
Leader (5) are Drow who have demonstrated a clear ability to lead the group and have the highest number of responsibilities. There will be only one female and one male leader and they will each be in command of their respective groups. They must demonstrate the highest commitment to the ideals and concepts within the Drow itself. They are the models of role playing and their behavior and actions are expected to reflect this. At times a leader may be required to make snap decisions in the field and they are to be the last word below the founder. Leaders need to be able to delegate tasks to other members, assist in the development of new members, assign mentors and be available to assist other members of the group.
Founder (6) is the Drow who founded the GD group. While he may or may not take field leadership he is there to assist the leadership and be the final word on disputes or problems that arise within the group. It is his responsibility to run quality control and ensure that all members in the group are up to reasonable standards. He is also responsible for the larger direction of the group itself.

The following advancement table covers the different ranks and requirements for advancement. Now that some changes have taken place on Siege, the skill requirements have less meaning as skills are no longer difficult to attain. However the most important criteria, the LOS remains.
Drow Advancement Table I
Class / Natl Class Skill Rank LOS Skill Total Average Alignment Quest 1 NA NA NA Blue or Red Entry Quest 2 1 310 70 Red TBD 3 4 340 80 Red TBD 4 8 370 90 Red TBD 5 12 400 100 Red TBD 6 12 450 100 Red NA
To advance to the next rank all of the requirements must be met.

The outpost is organized into two separate groups which consist of the female Drow group and the male Drow group. All members, regardless of class are placed into their appropriate group. All Drow will report to their group commanders. In the female group the leader must be either a Cleric or a Warrior/Cleric and the sub leader will be a Cleric, Warrior/Cleric, or Warrior as available. If the female Drow group doesn't have any Clerics or Warrior/Clerics then a Warrior will fill the role of the leader and her assistant (subleader) will be a Warrior as well. In the female group the number of leadership Drow will be a result of how many females are present. If there are five or less females present then there will be one Drow who is the leader. If there are between six and ten females present there will be a one leader and one sub leader. Should the number of females exceed ten there will be one leader and two sub leaders. In this situation one of the sub leaders must be a fighter.

In the male group the number of leadership Drow will be a result of how many males are present. If there are five or less males present then there will be one Drow who is the leader. If there are between six and ten males present there will be one leader and one sub leader. Should the number of males exceed ten there will be one leader and two sub leaders. All male leaders and sub leaders will be either Warriors or Warrior/Mages. On the issue of command and subordination the female leader is viewed as the leader of the entire field unit, but at her discretion she may defer to the male leader. For the most part the female and male units will operate separately. On the issue of subordination the ranking works as follows (listed from highest rank to lowest rank).
Female Leader
Male Leader
Female Sub Leader
Male Sub Leader
Female non leadership
Male non leadership
For all practical purposes only a Drow in a leadership position (leader or sub leader) may force the issue of subordination. While female non leadership Drow are ranked higher it still doesn't place them in a leadership capacity over male non leadership Drow.

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